My sincere THANKS to John Brock, U.T. Music Dept. for the bulk of this information!
Additions or corrections? Email me from the Contact Page.
Bell Buckle United Methodist Church – Bell Buckle, TN
Henry Pilcher’s Sons, Louisville, KY, Builder – 1890, II/16
* Great Division – Bourdon 16′ (from c), Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′, Dulciana 8′, Octave 4′, Octave Quint 2-2/3′, Super Octave 2′.
* Swell Division – Open Diapason 8′, Viola 8′, Stopped Diapason 8′, Gemshorn 4′, Flute Harmonique 4′, Flageolet 2′, Bassoon 8′ (C-B), Oboe 8′ (from c), Tremulant
* Pedal Division – Open Diapason 16′, Bourdon 16′
* Couplers – Great and Swell, Pedal and Swell, Pedal and Great.
* Indicators – Bellows Signal, Pedal Check, Great to Pedal reversible
* Combination Pedals – Great Forte (activates all Great stops), Great Piano (resets all Great stops except Melodia and Dulciana.
* Manual compass – C-a”’, 58 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notes
Bolivar Presbyterian Church – Bolivar, TN
Unknown Builder – 1840 or Later, I/7 (Restored by John Allen Farmer – 1990
* Manual Division – Open Diapason 8′, Stop Diapason 8′, Dulciana 8′(#1-17 from Stop Diapason), Principal 4′, Flute 4′, Fifteenth 2′.
* Pedal Division – Subbass 16′, Pedal Coppel
* Manual compass – C-f”’, 54 notes
* Pedal compass – C-f, 18 notes
Christ Episcopal Church – Harlan, KY
Henry Pilcher’s Sons, Louisville, KY, Builder – 1889, I/7
Restored by B. Rule and Company – 1994 (complete with polychrome facade restoration)
Originally built for Saint John’s Episcopal Church, Harlan, KY – church existed only a few years, then organ was put in storage, evidenced by candle drippings on the parts and mouse holds in parts of the organ normally inaccessible.
Crossroads Presbyterian Church – Knoxville, TN
Aeolian-Votey – 1929, II/14
* Unexpressed Great Division – Principal 8′, Rohrflote 8′, Dulciana 8′, Octave 4′, Super Octave 2′, Mixture III, Great 4′, Swell-Great 16′, Swell-Great, Swell-Great 4′
* Enclosed Swell Division – Gedackt 8′, Salicional 8′, Voix Celeste 8′, Gedackt Flote 4′, Nazard 2-2/3′, Flote 2′, Oboe 8′, Principal 4′, Vox Humana 8′, Tremulant, Swell 16′, Swell 4′
* Pedal Division – 32′ Resultant 32′, Untersatz 16′, Principal 8′, Gedackt 8′, Octave 4′, Great-Pedal, Swell-Pedal, Swell-Pedal 4′
* Couplers – Listed with each division
* Indicators – Wind Pressure (Green), Crescendo (Yellow), Warning (Red)
* Combination Action – Setterboard drawer located above Swell manual
* Manual compass – C-c””, 61 notes
* Pedal compass – C-g’, 32 notes
* Wind Pressure – 4.5 inches water
First Congregational Church – Memphis, TN
Henry Kilgen, St. Louis, MO, Builder – 1900, II/10
Rebuilt w/additions by John Allen Farmer, Winston-Salem, NC – 1988, II/12
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, *Chimney Flute 8′ (originally Melodia 8′), Octave 4′, *Cornet Treble III (from f – originally Dulciana 8′), *Mixture III (originally Fifteenth 2′)
* Swell Division – Stopped Diapason 8′, *Flute 4′ (originally Flute Harmonic 4′), Fifteenth 2′ (moved from Great – originally Salicional 8′), *Trumpet 8′ (originally blank toeboard)
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′, *Bourdon 8′ (extension), *Bassoon 16′
* Couplers – Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal, Swell to Great.
* Manual compass – C-c””, 61 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notesRebuilt with Additions(*) by John Allen Farmer
First Presbyterian Church – Lewisburg, TN
George Kilgen & Son, St. Louis, MO, Builder – 1914, II/10
Reconditioned by Milnar Organ Co., Eagleville, TN – 1980
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′ (from c), Dulciana 8′ (from c), Unison Bass 8′, Octave 4′, Fifteenth 2′.
* Swell Division – Violin Diapason 8′ (#1-8 stopped), Stopped Diapason 8′, Salicional 8′ (#1-8 stopped), Flute Harmonic 4′, Tremolo
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′
* Couplers – Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
* Combination Pedals – Great Forte (activates all stops), Great Piano (cancels Open Diapason, Octave, and Fifteenth.
* Manual compass – C-c””, 61 notes
* Pedal compass – C-f’, 30 notes
First Presbyterian Church – McMinnville, TN
Henry Pilcher’s Sons, Louisville, KY, Builder – 1892, II/7
Reconditioned by William Barger, Chattanooga, TN – 1982
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′ (from c), Dulciana 8′ (from c), Unison Bass 8′
* Swell Division – Violin Diapason 8′ (from c), Stopped Diapason 8′ (from c), Stopped Diapason Bass, Flute Harmonic 4′, Tremolo
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′
* Couplers – (thumb Buttons) Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
* Combination Pedals – Great Forte (activates all stops), Great Piano (cancels Open Diapason, Octave, and Fifteenth.
* Manual compass – C-c””, 61 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notes
First Presbyterian Church – Mt. Pleasant, TN
George Kilgen & Son, St. Louis, MO, Builder – c.1900, II/11
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′ (from c), Dulciana 8′ (from c), Unison Bass 8′, Octave 4′, Fifteenth 2′
* Swell Division – Stopped Diapason 8′ (from c), Stopped Diapason Bass 8′, Salicional 8′ (from c), Aeoline 8′ (from c), Flute Harmonique 4′, Oboe 8′ (from c), Tremolo
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′ (17 pipes, C-e)
* Couplers – Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
* Manual compass – C-c””, 61 notes
* Pedal compass – C-’, 27 notes (Couplers affect entire Pedal compass, but Bourdon has only 17 pipes)
former First Presbyterian Church building – Elizabethton, TN
Organ by an unknown New York builder – c.1888, II/19 (Unplayable)
Probably built by George Jardine & Son, New York City
Originally located in a Methodist church in Chattanooga, TN – moved to Elizabethton in 1903
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′, Gamba 8′, Dulciana 8′, Principal 4′, Harmonic Flute 4′, Twelfth 2-2/3′, Fifteenth 2′, Trumpet 8′
* Swell Division – Bourdon 16′ (from c), Bourdon Bass (C-B), Open Diapason 8′, Stopped Diapason 8′, Aeolina 8′, Violina 4′, Cornet III, Cornopean 8′, Bassoon 8′, Oboe 8′
* Pedal Division – Double Open Diapason 16′, Violoncello 8′, “missing knob” (original Bourdon 16′?)
* Couplers – Great to Swell [sic], Pedal to Great [sic], Swell to Pedal (label missing), Swell to Great octaves (label missing)
* Indicators –
* Combination Pedals – (inoperable) Great Forte, Swell Forte, Great Piano, Swell Piano
* Manual compass – C-a”’, 58 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notes
Grace Episcopal Church – Spring Hill, TN
Henry Pilcher’s Sons, Louisville, KY, Builder – between 1878 & 1888, I/5
* Manual Division – Open Diapason 8′ (#1-4 stopped), Melodia 8′ (from c), Dulciana 8′ (from c), Unison Bass 8′, Gemshorn 4′, Manual octaves
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′, Manual to Pedal
* Manual compass – C-c””, 61 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notes
* Notes – Manual octaves, and Manual stops, except Open Diapason, in Swell Box
Knoxville House of Faith – Knoxville, TN
M.P. Moller Co., Hagerstown, MD, Builder – #825, 1908, II/15 (Unplayable)
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′, Dulciana 8′, Gamba 8′
* Swell Division – Open Diapason 8′, Salicional 8′, Aeolina 8′, Gedeckt 8′, Vox Celeste 8′, Flute Harmonique 4′, Oboe 8′, Tremulant
* Pedal Division – Open Diapason 16′, Bourdon 16, Octave 8′, Flute 8′
* Couplers – Swell to Great (16′, 8′ and 4′), Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal, Great 4′, Swell 4′, Swell 16′, Compound Coupler Release (Cancels all couplers except the 3 straight ones)
* Indicators – Wind gauge, Grand Crescendo gauge
* Combinations – Three Swell pistons, Two Great pistons
* Manual compass – Data not available at this time.
* Pedal compass – Pedals have been removed.
Saint Cecelia Convent (chapel organ) – Nashville, TN
Henry Pilcher’s Sons, Louisville, KY, Builder – 1907, II/7
Reconditioned by Milnar Organ Co., Eagleville, TN – 1978
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′ (from c), Dulciana 8′ (from c), Unison Bass 8′
* Swell Division – Violin Diapason 8′ (from c), Stopped Diapason 8′ (from c), Stopped Diapason Bass, Flute Harmonic 4′, Tremolo
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′
* Couplers – (thumb buttons) Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
* Indicators – Signal (non-functioning)
* Manual compass – C-c””, 61 notes (mechanical action)
* Pedal compass – C-f’, 30 notes (tubular pneumatic action)
Saint Columba’s Episcopal Church – Bristol, TN
Hook & Hastings Co., Boston, MA, Builder – 1896, II/7, #1700
Originally located at Salem College, Winston-Salem, NC
Alterations by Peck Daniels in 1969
Original Stoplist
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Dulciana 8′, Octave 4′
* Swell Division – Viola 8′ (from c), Stopped Diapason 8′ (from c), Unison Bass 8′, Flute 4′
* Pedal Division – Subbass 16′
* Couplers – Swell to Great, Swell to Great at octaves, Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal
* Manual compass – C-a”’, 58 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notes
Present Stoplist
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Dulciana 8′ (from c), Octave 4′
* Swell Division – Stopped Diapason 8′, Harmonic Flute 4′, Super Octave 2′ (from c)
* Pedal Division – Subbass 16′
* Couplers – Swell to Great, Swell to Great at octaves, Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal
* Manual compass – C-a”’, 58 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notes
Saint James Episcopal Church – Bolivar, TN
Henry Pilcher’s Sons, Louisville, KY, Builder – c.1882, I/7 (Unplayable)
* Manual Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′ (from c), Dulciana 8′(from c), Unison Bass 8′ (C-B), Octave 4′, Flute d’Amour (from c?)
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′, Pedal Coupler
* Couplers – Pedal
* Indicators – Pedal check, Bellows signal
* Manual compass – C-a”’, 58 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notes
* Notes – Manual stops, except Open Diapason, enclosed in a Flageolet 2′ Swell box.
Saint James Episcopal Church – Greeneville, TN
James Hall, Baltimore, MD, Builder – c. 1845, I/4
* Manual Division – Open Diapason 8′ (metal from f), Stopped Diapason 8′ (from f, metal with chimneys), Stopped Diapason Bass 8′ (wood C-e), Principal 4′ (C-E stopped wood, rest are metal), Fifteenth 2′ (metal)
* Pedal Levers – Swell (latches swell shades open when depressed), Echo (activates and cancels the Principal and Fifteenth)
* Notes – All pipes are enclosed by swell shades.
* Manual compass – C-f”’, 54 notes
Saint Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church – Memphis , TN
Henry Pilcher’s Sons, Louisville, KY, Builder – 1905, II/20
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′, Viole d’Gamba 8′, Dulciana 8′, Principal 4′, Flute d’Amour 4′, Fifteenth 2′, Trumpet Mixture III [sic]
* Swell Division – Bourdon Bass 16′ (C-B), Bourdon Treble 16′ (from c), Violin Diapason 8′, Stopped Diapason 8′, Salicional 8′, Aeoline 8′, Flute Harmonic 4′, Violina 4′, Piccolo 2′, Cornet III, Oboe-Bassoon 8′, Tremolo
* Pedal Division – Open Diapason 16′, Sub Bass 16′
* Couplers – Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
* Mechanical Combinations – Great Forte (Activates all Great Stops), Great Piano (Cancels all stops except Melodia and Dulciana), Swell FOrte (Activates all Swell stops), Swell Piano (Cancels all stops except Stopped Diapason, Aeoline, and Salicional)
* Manual compass – C-c””, 61 notes, mechanical action
* Pedal compass – C-f’, 30 notes, tubular pneumatic action Great to Pedal reversible
Spring Hill United Methodist Church – Spring Hill, TN
Hinners Organ Co., Pekin, IL, Builder – 1915, II/8 (Unplayable)
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′, Dulciana 8′
* Swell Division – Violin Diapason 8′, Stopped Diapason 8′, Salicional 8′, Harmonic Flute 4′, Tremolo
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′
* Couplers – Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
* Manual compass – C-c””, 61 notes
* Pedal compass – C-f’, 30 notes
* Notes – Tubular pneumatic action for the Pedal division, notes #1-24 of Open Diapason 8′, and notes #1-12 of Violin Diapason 8′
Tennessee Preparatory School – Nashville, TN
M.P. Moller Co., Hagerstown, MD, Builder – #259, c.1900, II/13
Unplayable – some pipework missing
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, (?)Melodia 8′, Dulciana 8′, Principal 4′, Twelfth 2-2/3′ (pipework missing), Fifteenth 2′ (pipework missing)
* Swell Division – Bourdon Bass 16′, Bourdon Treble 16′, Open Diapason 8′, Stopped Diapason 8′, Aeoline 8′, Flute d’Amour 4′, Piccolo 2′
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′
* Couplers – Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
* Manual compass – C-c””, 61 notes
* Pedal compass – C-f’, 30 notes
Tennessee Theatre – Knoxville, TN
Wurlitzer Theatre Organ – 1928
Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church – Knoxville, TN
Henry Pilcher’s Sons, Louisville, KY, Builder
Restored by B. Rule and Company – 1998 (complete with polychrome facade restoration)
Thankful Memorial Episcopal Church – Chattanooga, TN
A.B. Felgemaker Co., Builder – c.1888, II/12
Originally located in Christ Episcopal Church, Nashville, TN – moved to Chattanooga in 1920′s
Reconditioned by the J.F. Nordlie Co., Sioux Falls, SD in 1987.
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′ (from c), Dulciana 8′ (from c), Unison Bass 8′, Octave 4′, Twelfth 2-2/3′, Fifteenth 2′
* Swell Division – Open Diapason 8′ (from c), Stopped Diapason Bass 8′, Stopped Diapason 8′, (from c), Aeolina 8′, Flute Harmonique 4′, Oboe 8′ (from c)
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′
* Couplers – Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal (with toe reversible)
* Combination Pedals – Great Forte (activates all Great stops), Great Piano (activates Melodia, Dulciana, and Unison Bass – cancels all others)
* Miscellaneous – Pedal Check, Bellows signal (now Blower switch), Tremolo
* Manual compass – C-c”’, 61 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notes
Thomkin Chapel Metropolitan A.M.E. Zion Church – Chattanooga, TN
George Jardine & Son, New York City, Builder – c.1890, II/20
* Great Division – Double Diapason 16′, Open Diapason 8′, Gamba 8′, Melodia 8′, Principal 4′, Flute Harmonique 4′, Nasard 3′, Piccolo 2′ originally
* Swell Division – Open Diapason 8′, Lieblich Gedackt 8′, Clariana 8′, Aeolina 8′, Violina 4′, Flageolet 2′, Cornet II, Flute Bass 4′ (no label – Bassoon?), Flute Treble 4′ (no label – originally Oboe?)
* Pedal Division – Open Diapason 16′, Bourdon 16′
* Couplers – Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
* Combination Pedals – Two combo pedals (not functioning)
* Miscellaneous – Bellows signal, Tremulant (entire organ)
* Manual compass – C-a”’, 58 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notes
Tulip Street United Methodist Church – Nashville, TN
George Jardine & Son, New York City, Builder – 1891, II/24
* Great Division – Double Diapason 16′, Open Diapason 8′, Gamba 8′, Clarabella 8′, Doppel Flute 8′, Principal 4′, Flute Harmonic 4′, Nazard 2-2/3′, Piccolo 2′, Trumpet 8′, Bells (non-functioning knob)
* Swell Division – Bourdon Bass 16′, Bourdon Treble 16′, Open Diapason 8′, Aeolina 8′ (presently tuned as Celeste), Clariana 8′, Lieblich Gedackt 8′, Flauto Traverso 4′, Violina 4′, Flageolet 2′, Cornet III, Oboe and Bassoon 8′, Vox Humana 8′ (later addition), Tremulant
* Pedal Division – Open Diapson 16′, Bourdon 16′, Violoncello 8′
* Couplers – (drawknobs) Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
* Combination Pedals – Great Forte (activates all stops except Double Diapason), Great Piano (cancels all but Clarabella), Swell Forte (activates all but Cornet, Oboe, and Vox Humana), Swell Piano (cancels all but Aeolina and Lieblich Gedackt).
* Indicators – Bellows (non-functioning)
* Manual compass – C-a””, 58 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notes
University of the South (Guerry Hall) – Sewanee, TN
Henry Pilcher’s Sons, Louisville, Ky, Builder
Unplayable – much pipework is missing.
Note: Beginning in August 1997, the organ was removed, and is currently undergoing restoration by B. Rule & Co., New Market, TN, for Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, TN.
- Rule & Co. – New Market, TN
Hook & Hastings Co., Boston, MA, Builder – c.1875?, II/12 (Unplayable)
Previously located at the University of TN in Chattanooga.
Awaiting an interested buyer to commission its restoration.
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′, Gamba 8′ (originally Fifteenth 2′), Dulciana 8′, Unison Bass 8′, Octave 4′
* Swell Division – Open Diapason 8′ (originally a String?), Stopped Diapason 8′ (divided treble and bass), Harmonic Flute 4′, Oboe 8′
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′
* Couplers – Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
* Miscellaneous – Pedal Check, Tremulant
* Manual compass – C-a”’, 58 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notes
West Nashville United Methodist Church – Nashville, TN
George Kilgen & Son, St. Louis, MO, Builder – 1905, II/10
Renovated by Milnar Organ Co., Eagleville, TN – c.1980
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′ (from c), Dulciana 8′ (from c), Unison Bass 8′, Octave 4′, Fifteenth 2′
* Swell Division – Geigen Principal 8′ (#1-12 stopped), Stopped Diapson 8′, Salicional 8″ (#1-12 from Stopped Diapason), Flute Harmonique 4′, Tremolo
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′
* Couplers – (drawknobs) Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
* Indicators – Bellows Signal, Pedal Check, Great to Pedal reversible
* Combination Pedals – Great Forte (activates all stops except Open Diapason), Great Piano (cancels Open Diapason, Octave, and Fifteenth)
* Indicators – Bellows Signal (non-functioning)
* Manual compass – C-c””, 61 notes
* Pedal compass -C-f’, 30 notes
Wiley Memorial United Methodist Church – Chattanooga, TN
George Kilgen & Son, St. Louis, MO, Builder – 1903-1911, II/11 (Unplayable)
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′, Dulciana 8′, Octave 4′, Fifteenth 2′
* Swell Division – Violin Diapason 8′, Stopped Diapason 8′, Salicional 8′, Violin 4′, Flute Harmonique 4′
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′
* Couplers – Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
* Mechanical Combinations – Great Forte (activates all stops), Great Piano (Cancels all stops except Dulciana)
* Miscellaneous – Bellows signal, Tremolo
* Manual compass – C-c”’, 61 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notes
Zion Presbyterian Church – Columbia, TN
Henry Pilcher’s Sons, Louisville, KY, Builder – 1899, II/7
Reconditioned by Milnar Organ Co., Eagleville, TN – 1980
* Great Division – Open Diapason 8′, Melodia 8′ (from c), Dulciana 8′ (from c), Unison Bass 8′
* Swell Division – Violin Diapason 8′ (from c), Stopped Diapason 8′ (from c), Stopped Diapason Bass, Flute Harmonique 4′
* Pedal Division – Bourdon 16′
* Couplers – (thumb buttons) – Swell to Great, Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal
* Miscellaneous – Tremolo, Electric blower or optional hand-pumped bellows
* Manual compass – C-c”’, 61 notes
* Pedal compass – C-d’, 27 notes