- Try to make certain the room containing the organ is at the operating temperature it will be during normal use. Otherwise it will be out of tune as soon as the room is heated/cooled.
- Do not wait until the last minute to call if you are aware ahead of time that your equipment needs servicing. Scheduling may be re-arranged to accommodate an emergency repair, but this does come with an extra ‘emergency rate’.
- Please leave a message if a call is sent to voice-mail. The technician does not know to call back or visit your site without direct contact.
- Know the model number when you call the technician. “A Hammond with two keyboards and pedals” will not help your organ tek prepare for his visit. This saves him time and you money.
- Have organist on-site during the visit, if possible, to clarify any vague issues.
- Please don’t regale the technician with long stories or small talk – time is money and the tech has many more appointments.
- Scheduling the piano tuner, heat and air tech, etc., simultaneously with the organ technician can also create potential on-site problems.